Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Listening to the radio..

Finally i can listen to the radio using this internet provider, 3. Several weeks before, mm.. nope.. maybe long before it, after i used this provider (3), i couldn't listen it again. The error message always came up when i tried to open the site. So, i used another way in order to be able listening the radio. How? i opened another site that put a widget of the radio on their page. At that rate, the problem solved. :D

But several weeks before, the site putting the radio widget, had been changed. The widget on their page had been removed :( So, i couldn't listen the radio again until a few days.

When i got bored, blogwalking usually made me fresh again. Luckily, i saw the widget on someone's blog. The problem solved (again). I could listen again :)
But.. another issue came up. I dont know why, when i tried to open that blog, 'Problem Loading' often appeared. Not only blogger (that blog using blogger) but also wordpress went the same issue. :(

So, i let them for several weeks, and it mean i never listen the radio again since that day.

But, now, tonight i dabbled to open the site of radio.. and.. yuhuu.. Everything is ok. :D
Yup, from today, i can enjoy listening it again, the radio.. :)

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

be Patient..

HE will give me the best solution for this problem..
i just wanna go out.. i dont care about anything.. just wanna
HIS 'Ridho'..
and now, i am waiting for good news, insyaAllah..

(also prepare for the worst)

Monday, January 3, 2011

Keep fighting!

I have to get rid of unuseful thing for the sake of myself and i mean, for my best future.. :)